Living on the east coast with the games on the west coast has been a cause for some late nights, and we are only on day 3, but well worth it. I watched the opening ceremonies which started off to my dislike. Our National anthem is just that a National Anthem which should not be allowed for artistic interpretation..but once I got over that horrendous rendition and into the parade of athletes all was forgotten. Seeing each person, whether they were from the Cayman Islands to Austria, you could see what it took to get them to this point and all of their hard work was about to be realized. In some cases I think the coaching staff was just as, if not more, excited than some of the athletes. B and I laughed over the fact that countries with no mountains or snow were turning out Alpine skiers. Also, have you ever seen such enthusiasm in the "people in white" with their dancing. Grant it some of them did the eighth grade shuffle but some of them were getting down!
Many people have talked about who was going to light the torch and I thought it was chosen well as when you think about Canada and the most famous sports figure I am sure Gretzky come to mind.
The next day I woke up and immediately turned on the TV to leave it on all day for highlights and to see the weather and whether the men's downhill was going to happen. Now you have to realize I can probably count on my hands how many times I watch sports on TV or cared about the weather in BC, but there is something about the Olympics and supporting our athletes during this time that changes my attitude. The closest I come to being a sports enthusiast is when we are in a Wii competition.
Last night I watched the men's moguls and got so excited when we won the gold that I felt like I was there and part of his coaching team. I do feel bad for all of our athletes who are the "favorites" to win and then they do something like fall or just cannot keep up. I think we put to much pressure on them for medals and should just be happy that we have so many people who have dedicated their lives and the families who support them to be able to get to this point. After all, unless Wii tennis becomes an Olympic sport I haven't got a hope in getting close to the podium.