Sunday, November 14, 2010

If I could turn back time

We have ventured into the realm of day light savings time. What does this mean for me? It means not only do I get up in the dark, I come home from work in the dark. Yeah me!
I realize that it was originally created to save on electricity but how is that again? If I get up in the dark, I immediately switch on the lights, as running into furniture is not one of favorite things to do. . So how am I saving energy?

lus it makes crazy drivers come out. Almost guaranteed that ever night since the time change there has been an accident on my drive home. The torrential down pours might have played a part as well, but still. I think people forget how to drive in the dark.
Step 1. Turn your lights on
Step 2. Drive
I realize it is two simple steps but you would be surprised by how many people forget step 1.

On top of the darkness and crazy drivers now we have added to the pile the worst of them all...cranky people. People who do not get enough sun have something called S.A.D. disease (seasonal affect disorder). I think it is just a nicer way of saying "I hate winter" or "where the fu%^ did the sun go". I think everyone in the city in which I live has suddenly developed SAD. People are more cranky in general with the lack of sunlight and with Christmas shopping already in full swing this isn't helping.

There was once talk about eliminating daylight sayings time as there is not much use for it anymore and I for one support this plan. Sure I get to sleep in an extra hour on the Sunday afterward -which I don't as the internal animal clocks didn't change- but I would trade this to be able to walk my dog at night without a flashlight.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does age matter

At what age are you able to say "Screw off" and everyone thinks you are being funny?

When you are in your preteens your mouth would get washed out with soap. Trust me as I tasted sunlight soap thanks to my brothers...and I still cannot buy this brand

When you are in your teenage years people just think you are being unruly and tell everyone to Screw off. Which is probably true as at this point you feel everyone is out to get you and no one understands the angst you are going through. After all you went out with him for three whole days.

In your twenties you get scolded as you are being disrespectful to your elders and you should be grown up by now. Mind you I think a lot of people should learn the word respect and they are not just in their twenties.

Now in my thirties I say things a little harsher than Screw off as it doesn't have the same authority that other words command. I is hard to tell a vaccuum to screw off when it has obviously run into your toe

I am looking at my forties and fifties and think I may be getting closer. But this point Screw off can stepped in my line of sight while I am having a hot flash. And while throwing that cup at your head may not be acceptable, felt really good.

But I really think it is in your eighties when this becomes ok. Mind you at this point the universe comes together and figures if you have made it this long you should get to swear random outburst, shove your shopping cart into someones heels "accidentally", fart and blame it on..well anyone could whallop someone with your purse just for the heck of it ...and best of all... cake and cookies will not be off limits as by this time everything else has headed south, so by adding a bit of a belly you give yourself an equator.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Harbouring a Fugitive

At this time every year I skulk through our house at all hours of the day trying to avoid the dreaded ring of the doorbell. It seems like just after the kids go back to school the teachers send them out to collect money for something or other and they all seem to come to my front door. But why is it that I get the aerating the lawn, raffle tickets, wrapping paper and cookie dough ones. Why doesn't a girl guide who wants to sell me chocolate mint cookies ever ring my doorbell...hmmm might have something to do with my "when you ring the doorbell my D.O.G. goes ballistic".

This spring I actually had our first Girl Guide come to our door. I actually bought the funky paper-cardboard tasting -store bought vanilla and chocolate cookies in hopes of her return in the fall, but sad she did not return. Might have been the dog, might have been the natural, chicken poop fertilizer all over our lawn.

Some days I wish we had several levels to our house or that I liked to sit in the basement...but no. I sit in the front living room, so when all of the panders come to my front door they look in at me first so I have to go. On the rare occasion I am somewhere else in the house or have seen them go up the other side of the street so I am hiding away. Peeking out windows and tip toeing own house! I feel like I am a fugitive or something so hideous that will scare the population should I answer the door. Now I know why my parents bought all of my chocolate bars and just gave me the keep our 6 whole neighbours out of hiding. Plus selling chocolate bars on the highway might be considered a form of child abuse. I like to call it love....of thy neighbour.

But let's face it I would rather have a child ask me to buy a bruised apple than a Jehovah Witness give me their flyer for free.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Recently, we decided to make the long trek over the country to the land of tropical forests, volcanoes and the most relaxed humans on the planet. Hawaii.

Before we left we frantically packing and basically threw everything into the suitcase, which as it turned out weighed 12 different weights on the 12 different flights....but don't even go there.

I had no idea what to expect when we arrived but it was dusk when our plane touched down and the weather was warm and humid and my first thought was did we seriously fly 17 hours to feel like home

We spent three days in Oahu and for all of its hype, I am g
lad we visited but I am not sure if I would return to this island. It is more tourist driven, poverty is apparent and everyone wants money to do the simplest $3 to park your car to look over a look off. The view was beautiful but not sure the five minutes and the hornets nest were worth it.

I was however happy I purchased the "revealed" book series before I left as the descriptions of place were bang on and trust the book for food choices as veering off of the path does not always lead to the best decision.

We did walk up and down the beach but funny...we never went in the ocean as I think we were too busy getting the lay of the land and trying to find me a pair of shorts.

Next we took an inter island flight- where seating is open- off to Kauai. This island is not visited as much and I think people really should venture as it is an island of friendly people and remarkable landscape. We meet people from all over the place on a hike we did to waterfalls. As I am puffing ...HARD...coming back up the hills, couples in their late 60's were asking if we had done the 12mile hike yet....Lets just say that it was a good thing the view was great as I have yet to become wilderness girl.

We toured all over the island and even through some back woods to various parts of the island. Renting a Jeep as definately worth it as my husband was only too happy to be able to veer off of the beaten path, through bushes trees and dirt roads. Lots of great food to be found if you are willing to look and no one in Hawaii needs to buy fresh ginger as it is everywhere.

We did do a helicopter tour through Blue Hawaii and it was worth the money. There were a couple of nail biti
ng moments for this tour as we did a 360 in the volcano as the pilot turned around to look at us. Mind you it may have had something to do with this being my first helicopter flight and watching too many movies with helicopters crashing into mountains.

The views were spectacular...but then again it is pretty hard not to be when your island looks like this.

We were next off to Ma
ui and I had a preconceived idea that this is where the famous people go. Well I am sure that if I looked for them I may have found them, but true to Hawaiian culture, I couldn't have cared less. It is pretty hard to care about much with the weather being sunny all day and the birds chirping constantly...not to mention all of the chickens and roosters roaming around. As you watch the sunset on the horizon drinking your glass of wine it is hard to imagine that people live any differently.

I was surprised that in Maui it seems to be more about what you don't do rather than what you do. If you are into living off the land and preserving the ecological system you are king and have it all. I expected to see mansions all over the place but was instead greeted mainly by humble homes with generous people. One man we met lets people have access to his property for free 365 days a year, he just asks that you leave by 5pm. His property overlooks cliffs on either side and his front porch view is one of the best snorkeling spots on the island. If this was anywhere else. There would be a visitors centre with a hefty entrance fee.

After only nine days on the islands we ventur
ed back home as we live in a pretty good part of the world as well. Would I go back? Of course. But what was the most memorable

Best Meal: Giovanni's Shrimp Truck
Best Shopping: Waikiki open air mal
Best Deal: Doing a vacation package viewing to get discounts
Most exciting moment: Seeing a g
reen sea turtle less tan 2 feet away
Biggest Surprise: How different the islands were. Look out for the back road from Hana
Worth the view: the Napli Coast fro
m a helicopter
Most disappoi
nting: We didn't stay longer and see The Big Island
Best beach: at the end of a long road in Kauai.
Sand Dunes everywhere
Funniest moment: watching the runners in the Hana Run

Is it the most beautiful place on earth......some day I hope to answer this.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lady's Night

Over the years there have been several lady's nights but they have constantly changed and evolved. In my 20's ..lady's night meant Thursday to Sunday- downtown with a group of girls acting stupid and getting drunk. Now I am not saying that it wasn't fun, just the opposite. We had a ball, now if I could only remember the stories instead of look at all of the sad photos of myself in varies degrees of sobriety.

In my thirties the visits downtown began to wither away to the occasional night downtown and I came home feeling annoyed by being pushed around and feeling older than I was. Does 19 really look THAT young!

As I grew (ahem..older) up, I realized I could have just as much fun hanging out with friends at some one's house than going downtown. I got to sit comfortably on a couch and have my cocktail made my way -instead of watered down with not man in sight...except for her husband locked in the basement with a screaming child....but shhh..nothing a little sleeping pill didn't cure. I'm joking ~wink.

One of my friends decided that since there were a lot of us in the same boat that she would start a lady's night. Every third Saturday of the month it is! It started out slow with only a couple of us and having little to drink as some of us had to drive..others had to only stumble across the street; but we needed something more...amusement.

I must admit over the years there have been many laughs and you have got to give our hostess credit for coming up with some unique ideas. We have had manicures and pedicures, sexy girls parties (including the uninhibited...which we don't talk about and will need some therapy for), a turkey swap(Basically we brought gifts and shared alcohol..I was surprised there were no turkeys), margarita see the theme. Each month I eagerly await the naming of ladies night..not that I always attend...unless it could get embarrassing and Steph will be there. Yes we are laughing with you!

There are always lots of laughs and information shared. No I am not talking about gossiping..after all we are all there...except for ugly naked man... For instance, on the last lady's night I learnt you can lease a hot water tank through our local power company. Now I am not sure when I will use this info but it is there. There have been talks about a cougar crawl as an activity but there seem to be more groans than cheers for this one.

So the next time you are feeling blah and wondering what to do on Saturday your girls and invite them in....did you know you can have a pole party at your house?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The good ole' days

Recently we have booked a trip to the lush Islands of Hawaii. After doing some research I discovered that there really is a Bali Hai. For anyone who has watched the movie "South Pacific" you will remember happy talking in the lagoons of Bali Hai. When I started mentioning this movie, I have begun to realize that the older moves have been lost and forgotten.

Growing up I loved to sit with my Dad-because he's a good dad- and watch musical after musical. I have watched My Fair Lady so many times that my parents bought me the VHS and I played that until it began to drag. I was in love with the songs, dresses and Eliza Doolittle. The movies now have half clad woman and no plot. Back then the plot were all the same...boy sees girl, girl sees boy. Girl taunts boy, girl gets get the drift..and in between each section they felt the urge to sing out their feelings. And lets face it, would any go to Oklahoma had it not been for the open song of "oh what beautiful morning".

Even now, musicals are more popular than ever with the revolution of such shows as Glee. I find myself wanting to watch he next one, just so I can sing along. Even the dog starts to sing along when I get louder.

Think of all of the life lessons I have learned from musicals:
1.Stocking someone you just met is OK as long a you dance around on the street where they live
2. You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true
3. Remember your favorite things to ward off thunderstorms
4. Somewhere over the rainbow, is where the munchkins live in a lollipop land
5. Clang, Clang, Clang went the trolley..It is always good to know trolley sounds
6. Summer love can turn into a real romance if you dress all sleazy
7. Sisters are devoted to each other unless there is a man involved
8. Hot chocolate is not just a drink
9. Singing n the rain can be fun if you wear the right outfit
10. Tomorrow is only a day away

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pack it Up

So why does it take longer to plan an vacation than it does to be on one? It doesn't matter if you fly off to an all inclusive or go camping, it all takes longer than it should. By the time you decide where you are going, what you need to take, arrange the details through the travel agent or Internet, arrange for animal care..etc. I am exhausted before I even begin on the adventure.

And adventures they are! I am probably a very annoying person to travel with, as I like to see every possible thing there is to see from a back road with special trees that I saw in a flyer all the way to the biggest tourist trap. Luckily my husband is up for this as well, the only problem is that by the time we get home we need another vacation where we just can just sit.

So here I am getting ready to go to a cottage for the upcoming long weekend and I am up at 7am to arrange things. I have planned the menu (because there isn't a grocery store for a whole 10 mins), written a list about what the cottage has vs what we need to take, doing the last minute laundry, vacuuming and cleaning-as I like to come home to a clean house- along with a multitude of other things...and we are only going for THREE DAYS.

Mind you, just because others are "roughing it" with the bare essentials doesn't mean that I have to. One of our first camping adventures involved a very packed car, with equipment you could plug into the cigarette lighter for power and one embarrassed husband -then boyfriend.

You see- his nickname is wilderness boy! His idea of camping is a tent (optional), sleeping bag, matches and some snacks. I think this sounds like torture. Where is my change of clothing and toiletries....and don't even get me started on having to take a poo shovel. I do not apologize for liking the finer things in life. I do not need a 5 star resort with hand and foot service(although this does sound appealing) but running water is essential and I am not referring to the stream "over there".

So as I pack up the final items into the car to go off on our "relaxing" adventure I think that the bare essentials of a toothbrush and a change of undies might not be so so bad....then I laugh myself silly and pack four more pairs of shoes...after all, a girl has to be prepared for any fashion emergency.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Out Out Damn Weed

As the snow begins to melt away I dream of things to plant and what to do to each garden. What I seem to forget about are the weeds that come along with this too. When I am able to first get out in the gardens I do more playing around than actual gardening. I think I just enjoy tromping around in the mud. Yes, some days I am six.

The reason for my tromping is that until things start to grow, I am unsure if they are a weed or something I planted later in the season. I have discovered that I spend more time half way through the season wondering if I pulled a plant I was sure I planted last year. So in my garden it is better to wait until I recognize the plant before I pull it.

It never fails though as I truck off to the various nurseries around town searching for more colour I come home to plant them and the colour fades away after a week. What drives me mad is that the "more colour" I am looking for usually comes from the $%#ing weeds. Creeping charlie would be pretty if it didn't creep. My husband bought creeping jenny many years ago, which I pulled out about two years later as it began taking over the garden...and each spring I still find bits of it to pull. I have learnt my lesson...anything that says creeping...DO NOT BUY....I can probably give you!

Then there are the plants that continue to grow and bloom. They are so pretty that i have to divide them, so instead I share the wealth with friends who need them...or move~! I have divided one poor Snow ball plant so many times I am surprised how each year it still looks bigger. It must be a girl plant and likes all of the maintenance.

Then there are the lovely critters that come with gardening...did I mention this is what I do to relax...can I just say what a hate on for earwigs I have. Those creepy bugs are my nemesis as everything I plant they seem to love...they are right up there on my "would like to eliminate from the earth" after June bugs and grubs. Ewww my skin shivers thinking about them.

It is amazing with all of the cursing I do in the garden that I continue to go out in my spare time , in the blistering heat to painstakingly deadhead everything, pull out tiny pieces of clover and dig holes to make room for new plants. Some days I think I am demented. But then summer hits and the garden is in full bloom. The roses bloom in abundance with the most amazing smell, the dahlias grow and bloom to the size of dinner plates and the sea of colours blend together makes me sigh and think that all of it was worth it...until mid August hits and I say screw it...I am going on vacation!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reno me this

I am sure every time my husband sees me flipping through, yet another, design magazine he rolls his eyes in anticipation of what changes are next. In the extended 20 year plan(I may be exaggerating but one never knows) to renovate our house I have changed my mind on design features to the point where in almost every room there is a sign of my husbands rebellion. Whether it be a hole in the sub floor, a counter a little higher than normal and the butcher block that someday will appear as if from outer space...otherwise know as the workroom.

Thus far the back of the house is mainly complete, but just as we (executive we) finish a room, I think of something I would have done differently. Causing my husband, which he has never verbally said but one can imagine, how much longer before he will have to make it happen.

I blame this renovation itch, like the good daughter I am, on my parents. I cannot remember a time in our lives which we were not in a renovation mode of some sort, and when the projects were finished...we moved. One time I went off to university and they sold the house and moved into a motor home for the summer....they say it is because mom didn't want to live in that house anymore...but it seems awfully convenient that it occurred when I moved out...hmmmm.

So it only took 5 years of complaining and one frantic pull of the wood drawers with wood slides to cause my husband to finally concede to the fact we needed to redo the kitchen. My mind was dizzy with excitement over what we would do. How we could rearrange things and how quick it would occur. Remember all things are relative as the basement took three years and still has a couple of things after this anything is fast.

We went to several big box stores to get quotes and ideas. I flipped through magazines to see what was new in kitchen design, until one day I finally conceded to the fact that what I wanted wasn't possible unless we decided to put a 20x20 extension on the back of the house. So back to square one. A galley is a galley and there is nothing I can do about it. So it is better to go with it than fight it. So the floor plan would remain as is and I put my foot down insisting that if we were doing the kitchen then I was getting a dishwasher.

It took me no time to decide I wanted white cabinets with as much storage as I could possibly get in our tiny kitchen. So let the reno begin. We (yes actually we this time) started the demolition. We gutted the kitchen back to the studs and then surveyed the damage we had done. The easy part was over. Rebuilding would take awhile since my husband wanted full wood cabinets but we didn't like the price that came with it. So the option was only one...he would have to build them. Wile already working two full time jobs. After only 6 months we had a kitchen that looked mostly like a kitchen. It wasn't until the summer of weddings that we put the final push on to get things finished. We (meaning he) laid the floor, built the cabinets and painted them(this was me). I would also like to acknowledge that my husband then took me to see a beautiful counter top which I completely approved of...and it turned out to be the most expensive part of the kitchen. First time for everything, normally the most expensive thing is my job.

Then after it was all put back together I realized I didn't have a wall colour, so after two months of hemming and hawing I picked out a colour that is somewhere between brown, purple and red. Then I thought ...oh god!...what are we going to do about a back splash. I swear I looked at every tile place from here to Toronto and ended up ordering an"in stock" tile along with a special order tile. I am telling you right now....the words special order are words to back away from. After waiting five months and paying a small fortune the tile arrived... only it was suppose to be 7/8x7/8 like all other sheeted tiles but instead it came in as 1x1. Needless to say we only used a small section of them. Which caused us (me) to once again change the design plan for the back splash. Yes I agreed to it, yes I laid it out, yes I signed off on it...but not a moment after he finished the 8 hour intensive labour job did I turn to him and say "I don't love it". I think if we were to ever get divorced...that was the look of my (still) husband gave me.

Over time, I have learnt to accept the back splash (as really..what is my alternative) and move on. It has been a couple of months since our last reno..which means the itch is occurring again. But for anyone who can live through it...the end results are the best as I happily work around in my little, built for me, very pretty kitchen.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's in your bowl

I have always known our animals are spoiled. My family has always said growing up that if we could come back as anything it would be an animal in our house. Today is no exception. After a trip to the doggie spa to have his hair cut..not his favorite thing.. the groomer noticed his skin getting a little dry and recommended changing his food. This was after two generous "trial sized" bags and several treats later...just because he is so darn cute!

Most people would just buy another food from a grocery store, but not for our beloveds. Hubbie has researched the food options, looked at their star rating and go figure, the dog will be eating better than we do. I am thinking kibble may be the way to go.

I must admit there have been many mornings when I am getting breakfasts ready that the container of Beneful looks better than my package of oatmeal. Now I guess I have figured out why my skin looks dry. Apparently I am not getting the right balance of chicken, beef and salmon in my diet. Oh My!

I love how they advertise food for animals as well. Whether the cat is singing, or jumping through walls for a treat or the dog running for food and after many trips of hitting the wall the kid then sets out toilet p
aper on the corner..oh wait that is a toilet paper ad...I laugh and am amused and fall into their marketing trap. They are right up there with Maggie and the Royale kittens pulling at my heart strings. If the toys and treats our animal got from marketing ploys, both of them would have an ipad.

I also think it is funny about how we listen to the details in the advertisements. For instance "Beneful® brand dog food helps keep your best buddy happy and healthy with a perfect balance of wholesome ingredients, quality nutrition and superb taste." This for a dog who will eat the "wholesome food" but then also clean his bum directly afterwards finding both equally appealing.

Now don't feel sorry for the cat as while his skin is shiny and window are opened on his command he too get his daily treat, which he beckons for. While his pate with chunks of chicken and Florentine may not tempt me quite as much you never know when you will need some sandwich spread.

Oh well, I guess next time I should grab a spoon and dive in..but then again maybe kibble is best heated.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

15 minutes

Andy Warhol said everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. I look back at what it took to become famous back in the day...hmmm a funny thing called intelligence and some talent didn't hurt either. Yes the Brat Pack seemed to be known more for their partying ways than their movies but maybe they were on to something as they are still around..some in rehab.

These days if you have no talent but were born to wealth you are almost instantly famous. All you have to do is make a sex tape and have it "accidentally" leaked onto the Internet. Sex tape not for you? You could always go the route of buying several packs of Altoids and saving a semen covered dress which you "forgot" to have cleaned. Too yuck for you? How about having ten plastic surgeries in one day and having half your brain removed at the same time?

I guess I have let my life slide. I grew up and was a good kid, for the most part. Went to school, got good grades. Went to university, got a job. Went back to school, got a job...a husband...a cat and a dog. I guess nothing fame worthy...except maybe that I am still married.

Working in the marketing world I realize that sex sells. The more of a teaser you can entice people with the more popular the item becomes. Who knew this translated to woman as well. I wonder if I did it wrong? Maybe I should have grown up, said screw it to education and gone to Hollywood. Work in some bar in said Hollywood, gotten a boob job and slept with someone famous....hey then I too would be famous once their sex scandal broke....which it eventually would after I leaked it to TMZ. Then I'd play dumb because I "didn't know he was still married", save every text message he ever sent me (this may be my biggest challenge) ...get a large settlement and retire. Fool proof! OR I could pimp my husband out to the wife of said husband and get maybe an hour of fame and double the payout. What were my parents thinking when they raised me with morals...sheesh!

But for those of you without any morals and looking for a way to get your 15 mins here are some ideas which have worked for others:
1. Sleep with someone a 100 other woman have. Remember STD's are only a small price to pay on your way to stardom
2. Have a lot of plastic surgery and become plastic looking.
3. Have more than 14 kids; as others are way ahead of you...oh and throw some religious beliefs in there as it makes you look more credible
4. Eat to become 1000lbs, whether you live that long is another story...but at least you have a goal.
5. Tell people that you can hear dead people

or you could go in another direction
1. Help the blind to see
2. Win a Nobel piece prize
3. Spend your life aiding others
4. Invent something
5. Write an epic novel

Ok now I know why people don't go the second's too hard! Oh well I guess it is time to tart it up to make our 15mins...but then again there was that time when I was 5 ad it was school bus safety week........

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sick is for Sissys

Every year I take my vitamins, eat lots of fruit and veggies and get lots of sleep. But somehow the cold fairy always seems to find me. Whether it is a case of the sniffles or feeling like I just got hit with a baseball bat I have a hard time admitting I am sick.
I don't know what it is about being sick that irritates me in to trying to avoid the obvious. Even as my sinus clog up (the polite version of what really happens) and my brain gets foggy I still hold firm that it is just my allergies.

After a week of blowing my nose to the point of taking off layers of skin..even after using three-ply with lotion...going to bed at 6o'clock with an unusual "cold cocktail" and taking every ounce of energy to crawl out the next morning.then and only then..I acknowledge that I have been beaten and let the cold take its course. On the flip side, I now only have to go through the congested lungs and final clear out stage before it is over.

I think it is my "I will win" attitude that stops me from admitting my weakness. You know you look bad when even your boss tells you "you look like shit" and that it is time to go home, curl up with my hot water bottle and watch crummy daytime TV. But as I lay there resting I think of the laundry, dishes and vacuuming and think to myself I must really be sick to be thinking of undone household chores. I really think it is the underlying guilt that as I lay there watching some daytime talk show the dust bunnies are taking over and if I get up and run a vacuum I will feel better. I KNOW! You should have seen the sad look of me as I took the dog for a walk. I think even the dog tried to keep his distance....."I know she is holding the leash...but honest..she is not with me"

I think the next time I get sick, as I am sure there will be a next time, I will move into a hotel. This way I can order soup, blow my nose and someone else will clean up after me. This way there is nothing for me to look at or think about. For now..sigh..I will get up and go do something productive and wait for that final nose blow when I can breathe again and my ears do not always feel like they need to be popped. Ahh the small things.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I have a secret (until now)

For those of you who know me well, it is not so much of a secret as it is a fact. I have an addiction! Most people are addicted to a variety of things whether it be drugs or alcohol, but at least my addictions not harmful to me just confusing to others.

I am addicted to my hot water bottle. Funny thing is that I didn't realize this until the other night as I lay in bed half asleep watching TV when I realized my hot water bottle was getting cold and would not make it through the night. So I rolled over and batted my eyelashes at Brian who then said "I am not going to be an enabler". In other words, get your own ass out of bed if you want it filled up. Then it hit me, I am addicted. I have dragged my hot water bottle all over the world (literally) no matter what the climate as a just in case. I can be seen in the middle of the summer with a blanket and hot water bottle. I always blamed it on poor circulation or my father's addiction to heat...but as it turns out I may be at fault. ouch!

It started from a young age, when we lived in an old farmhouse. The house was large and our bedrooms were upstairs. So when we climbed into bed, I hated the feel of cool sheets. Yes I tried flannel sheets, heating pads and electric blankets, but there is something about the searing heat of a hot water bottle that comforts me.

Unfortunately this addiction has harmed another. Sometimes in the middle of the night I will roll over (unknowingly) and feel that addiction has grown cold so I push it out of bed where it then lands with a loud thunk on the floor. I have grown used to this sound and sleep right through it,unfortunately my husband startles awake and wonders what is going on...then curses my addiction as I lay soundly sleep. My addiction has almost killed him at times as well. He has forgotten about my pushing it out of bed (so it couldn't have awakened him for too long) and come around my side of the bed in the morning to say goodbye and hit the hot water bottle in his attempt to lean in, causing his balance to go a little askew as I giggle and tuck further int bed. Ahhh the price of love.

On the flip side, it is not all bad. My cat has now found the source of my heat and has decided that his spot on the bed is good but can be enhanced when he crawls on top of me and the hot water bottle. I do not complain about this at all, even though he adds to the weight on my already tiny bladder but with his heat and mine on other side, the hot water bottle stays warm throughout the night leaving everyone happy.

Over the years, I have had to replace the hot water bottles as they wear out. You can feel them coming to an end when the rubber gets thin and you knew it is only a matter of time before it will feel like you peed yourself in bed. This is a sad time, but as I trundle off to the drugstore to get a new one I feel a rush of excitement over the good years ahead. Let's face it, where else can you get and sustain an addiction for $9,99.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Canadian Pride

The moment I heard our 2010 Olympic song "I believe" I got goosebumps as it holds everything an athlete goes through; and so began my excitement over the Olympics.

Living on the east coast with the games on the west coast has been a cause for some late nights, and we are only on day 3, but well worth it. I watched the opening ceremonies which started off to my dislike. Our National anthem is just that a National Anthem which should not be allowed for artistic interpretation..but once I got over that horrendous rendition and into the parade of athletes all was forgotten. Seeing each person, whether they were from the Cayman Islands to Austria, you could see what it took to get them to this point and all of their hard work was about to be realized. In some cases I think the coaching staff was just as, if not more, excited than some of the athletes. B and I laughed over the fact that countries with no mountains or snow were turning out Alpine skiers. Also, have you ever seen such enthusiasm in the "people in white" with their dancing. Grant it some of them did the eighth grade shuffle but some of them were getting down!

Many people have talked about who was going to light the torch and I thought it was chosen well as when you think about Canada and the most famous sports figure I am sure Gretzky come to mind.

The next day I woke up and immediately turned on the TV to leave it on all day for highlights and to see the weather and whether the men's downhill was going to happen. Now you have to realize I can probably count on my hands how many times I watch sports on TV or cared about the weather in BC, but there is something about the Olympics and supporting our athletes during this time that changes my attitude. The closest I come to being a sports enthusiast is when we are in a Wii competition.

Last night I watched the men's moguls and got so excited when we won the gold that I felt like I was there and part of his coaching team. I do feel bad for all of our athletes who are the "favorites" to win and then they do something like fall or just cannot keep up. I think we put to much pressure on them for medals and should just be happy that we have so many people who have dedicated their lives and the families who support them to be able to get to this point. After all, unless Wii tennis becomes an Olympic sport I haven't got a hope in getting close to the podium.


Monday, January 18, 2010


Every year I hear people make New Year's resolutions and by about now they have broken them. I decided long ago to stop making them so I would not set myself up for failure. Instead I think of reasonable goals which I can accomplish and then it is a win-win situation. Sometimes even the easy accomplishments have their challenges involved though.

Goal #1: This year I have decided it is time to seriously get back in the employment game. This is not only something that I want to do but it also helps on the old visa bill. I realize Visa loves me but maybe they don't need to love me THAT much. I have been on this goal since August 09 and have discovered some things along the way.

1. Interviews are no longer a question and answer game. It is a "let's talk" and figure out if this is an interview or a secret meeting. Seriously, I went to on "meeting" where they couldn't tell me if it was an interview or not?!

2. Never count anything out. After several "interviews" and a company restructure Company A then asked if they could refer me to another company and a better job.

3. Things are not always as they appear. I thought one interview was a scam and surprise it wasn't as it turned out to be a screening for the aforementioned job.

Goal #2: Be more attentive.
Do you ever find yourself thinking of the oddest things while someone is talking to you? I have made up mental grocery lists, thought about what I am going to have for dinner, etc. Recently I have taken a workshop on job searching; which has turned out surprising better than expected with the exception of one student..and in a class of four you notice things. While I am proud of myself for not droning off..maybe I should be for my sanity..I can not help but notice that others should have set higher goal in life.

There is a woman in my class who has a goal of working in the cheese department..yes you heard me. At least she has a goal and possibly a flatulence problem she needs masked. She also has an annunciation problem with a specific word...SPECIFICALLY. Which she pronounces Pacifically. Normally I would let this one slide(yes I would) but she uses it at least four times when she talks, to the point where I am counting and trying to find ways to use it properly back. Maybe anger management should be a goal...ahh next year I don't want to get ahead of myself.

So I have been paying more attention and trying to multitask less and have actually discovered I am a better friend and I am more productive this if I can only get my brain in board.

Goal #3: To come up with a goal #3.
I have tossed around several ideas like weight loss (through more exercise) or pay off debt but these seem like logical things as opposed to goals. So I will continue to search for this one as I am sure there are plenty of people who can come up with something for this slot, but don't get to ahead of yourselves as I rules for goals...

1. The goal must be achievable and available for long term. It is not a one year thing.
2. It has to be something to make me a better person. Vanity cannot be part of it.
3. You can suggest it but it doesn't mean I am going to do it.
4. Renovations are not included on my list..just my husbands.

So while I hunt for goal #3 I wish you success in your resolutions or goals what ever they may be for 2010 and beyond.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The defeat of man

This year for Christmas I decided to break down and buy the ever popular Wii game system for my husband...well partially at least. He got to open it, but we both get to enjoy it. I had visions of him opening it and being happy, rushing downstairs to set it up like any kid on Christmas morning would do and I was not disappointed. Before the champagne was uncorked, he had it set up and ready to go.

The system came with the Wii Sport game and in addition I also bought the new Super Mario brothers game in reminiscence of our former youth. So after breakfast the journey into world 1-level one of Mario began as we laughed at his little "it's a go". What I soon discovered was that not only was Mario a little man who enjoys begin killed when he is at the mercy of my remote but according to my husband he is a f#$%ing bastard as well as other obscenities not to be within 100 yards of a child's earshot. As he tries to make Mario jump by moving with the remote up and down and side to side, I have to bob and weave to avoid the remote colliding with the side of my head.

I bought this game in hopes of fun and laughter and instead the lord's name has been taken in vain several times that even the dog has left the room after being scared that he was the "son of a bitch". B. is more stressed out after 1/2 an hour of this game then he is after trying to remodel a kitchen with me constantly changing the plans. I guess he can't blame those grey hairs on me anymore.

But some good has come out of this, his backhand in tennis is getting stronger and when we play Mario together not only do I continue to die on a regular basis but now I have my husband who can save me after he kills all the bad guys. How heroic.