As the snow begins to melt away I dream of things to plant and what to do to each garden. What I seem to forget about are the weeds that come along with this too. When I am able to first get out in the gardens I do more playing around than actual gardening. I think I just enjoy tromping around in the mud. Yes, some days I am six.
The reason for my tromping is that until things start to grow, I am unsure if they are a weed or something I planted later in the season. I have discovered that I spend more time half way through the season wondering if I pulled a plant I was sure I planted last year. So in my garden it is better to wait until I recognize the plant before I pull it.
It never fails though as I truck off to the various nurseries around town searching for more colour I come home to plant them and the colour fades away after a week. What drives me mad is that the "more colour" I am looking for usually comes from the $%#ing weeds. Creeping charlie would be pretty if it didn't creep. My husband bought creeping jenny many years ago, which I pulled out about two years later as it began taking over the garden...and each spring I still find bits of it to pull. I have learnt my lesson...anything that says creeping...DO NOT BUY....I can probably give you!
Then there are the plants that continue to grow and bloom. They are so pretty that i have to divide them, so instead I share the wealth with friends who need them...or move~! I have divided one poor Snow ball plant so many times I am surprised how each year it still looks bigger. It must be a girl plant and likes all of the maintenance.
Then there are the lovely critters that come with gardening...did I mention this is what I do to relax...can I just say what a hate on for earwigs I have. Those creepy bugs are my nemesis as everything I plant they seem to love...they are right up there on my "would like to eliminate from the earth" after June bugs and grubs. Ewww my skin shivers thinking about them.
It is amazing with all of the cursing I do in the garden that I continue to go out in my spare time , in the blistering heat to painstakingly deadhead everything, pull out tiny pieces of clover and dig holes to make room for new plants. Some days I think I am demented. But then summer hits and the garden is in full bloom. The roses bloom in abundance with the most amazing smell, the dahlias grow and bloom to the size of dinner plates and the sea of colours blend together makes me sigh and think that all of it was worth it...until mid August hits and I say screw it...I am going on vacation!
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