Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Survey Me

There are lots of different surveys out there. Every time you open a magazine it is asking you to take a quiz or survey to figure out if you and your mate are compatible, what your IQ is, what type of personality you have, etc. I have to admit I have filled out more of these than I care to admit. Which in my mind is surprising as I already know that my husband and I are compatible, I am a little OCD (quiet Sam) and I don't think anyone needs to know if I love hugs or kisses more.

Recently, I have been on the job hunt and have done surveys to tell me if I have taken the correct career path (I have) and then a couple of IQ ones which tell me I am I didn't know this, I have not taken one to tell me if I am self-absorbed....I don't need a survey for that!

Today I was asked by a potential employer to take a survey based upon my management style and was a little surprised how a simple survey was correct. There is more, but I will save you the full detail and just provide the summary.

You are very thoughtful about what is right and fair for the people with whom you interact. Your communication style is highly persuasive and articulate. You are inclined to show an unselfish concern for the welfare of others which, when recognized, offers you a sense of accomplishment. At times you place ideals before practical considerations. You show strong devotion to the principles in which you believe. A great deal of action and variety in your environment appeals to you."

I guess I am not so self-absorbed after all...maybe I do need to take a survey:) I wish there were other surveys out there that could tell me other things like: what I want for dinner, where have all the good TV shows gone, is the design of the bathroom going to cause my husband to tear his hair know..useful stuff. I do not need to know which Simpson's character I am most like, what my body type is or how long I will live.

So I guess, Like others I will have to wait for life's little surprises instead of awaiting the next survey to tell me how wonderful I truly am....after all that's what parents are for! Love you mom and dad:)

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