Stiletto heels were discovered in a tomb of tebas in Old Egypt dated from 1000 BC (yes I googled it) and we have never looked back. There is something about the way a heel and pointy toe makes your leg look. Speaking from the owner of cankles(calves that merge into ankles without separation), if I don't have a heel on I have just added 20lbs to my ankles. The epitome of shoes, in my opinion, are Manolo Blahniks. He took a stiletto and made them art...mind you this art starts at about $400 but you could hang it on your wall and it is cheaper than a Monet!
I still will not forget the day Leanne(her name has not been changed as the shame shall continue) asked me "Jimmy Who?". I have watched the TV show "What not to Wear" where they have to convince women to try on a pair of heels and once they do they are sold forever. Now if they could only do an intervention on teenagers who think that clomping around in a heel looks good. I guess they should look in a mirror before walking out as they look like they are about to teeter over at any moment or they are playing dress up in their mother's closet. Mind you I have never tried to push them over but it could become a new sport.
While heels are my favorite I do give props to flats and sneakers unless you are w

I must admit my sometimes inappropriate foot ware has caused a huge sigh of frustration from my husband when he suggests going for a walk along the waterfront after having dinner. Which causes me to sheepishly look down at my feet and gauge whether or not I will be able to walk the duration without ending in hobbling pain or to suck it up and apologize to my feet later. I have also aerated many a lawn while getting pictures taken I have sunken about 2-4"; but this has not down trodden my outlook every time I put on a new pair of heels. There is just something about strutting around like a peacock in my new pair of shoes that makes my day turn brighter.
I am just catching up on your blog enties, thanks for all the smiles.
ReplyDeleteI love your shoes... I am also a shoe person.. I ordered 2 pairs from the us a pair of Prada Stiletos and Manolo Blahnik Shoes. Shoes always seem to fit and they always make you feel AMAZING!!!