Monday, December 21, 2009
Take my picture
So out of curiosity I googled (surprised? not!) photographers in my area. Not only was I sadly disappointed by the sites I visited but shocked by the lack of talent and depth of perception these so called photographers have. I am sorry, but I have taken some pretty pictures but I would by no means call myself a photographer. I am beginning to think anyone who can point a camera and click a button is now calling themselves a photographer. Maybe if I buy a big expensive camera which I do not know how to use half the buttons, then I can call myself a photographer. This is like saying that if I read an accounting book then BAM I must be an accountant. I guess I should have given up those years in university and just opened a book.
Then there are the people out there who are making a living on being a photographer who started learning the art and developing it, but over time have lost the passion for it and now just take some pictures. The place I have seen this the most is in wedding photos and billboards. So if you are going to take a picture of the bride getting ready, the last thing she is going to want to see when looking through the pictures is all of the hair products lined up on the desk. The scary thing is that they were more in focus than the bride. Or how about having a 10 foot high picture of a hand that needs a serious waxing. eww. It is like no one has ever heard of Photoshop or waxing. I am still haunted by this image.
I have taken some pictures, for which I am proud to display in our home and I would like to be able to say they were that way when I took them. But after some photoshop work and some cropping, they look much better. Then there are the pictures I have taken; which took me quite a few takes to get right only because I was fearful of what my peers would say had I taken awful pictures. Something about working with a lot of designers can make you feel this way. Would I say I was a photographer? No...I am barely an intermediate picture taker.
So the next time you are planning on paying money for a picture or to hire a photographer for the big day think to this person lucky with their shots or do they evoke an emotion in you? Because let's face can get lucky anywhere but emotion usually comes at a price!
All photos are the property and sole ownership of jjs and shall not be used for any other purpose than this blog site.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A little Poem
Decorating had begun, despite my damn spouse.
The outside light were all hung and handled with care,
With only two trips to Walmart to fix and repair.
The pets were nestled all sung in OUR bed,
While we went off shopping, much to our dread.
With Ma and Pa on their way home from Florida you see,
Christmas wont be the same without Uncle C.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
Reno sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window hew flew like a flash,
Barking like crazy, his nose to the glass.
Out in the yard he saw tracks in the snow,
Who left them there? He liked to know.
When what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But the cat from next door, with a look of fear.
He gave out a howl and the cat ran away,
His job was complete now, it was time to play.
While back at the mall, the shoppers all came,
In droves by the dozens calling each one by name.
Now get back here Jimmy and try this on Jane,
With kids running everywhere we must be insane.
Grab the cards while you can and to the liquor store too,
Now off to the cashier and the lines to get threw.
When we looked at the parking lot, we wished we could fly
Brian let out a curse and shook his fist to the sky.
So off to our spot where all the "car stalkers" flew
With our last minute packages and happy we were threw.
The in a twinkling, I exclaimed with a glee,
Let's have an open house but we need a tree.
So off to the Carl's lot we went with a bound,
To find a tall skinny tree like no one else in town.
Carl was dressed all in plaid from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all covered in balsam and goop.
With a chainsaw he had flung on his back,
He was ready to perfect with one simple hack.
My eyes began to twinkle and I thought how dear
To have everyone home for once in five years.
So back to the house we started to go,
Just as dusk appeared and so did the snow.
Around the house I flew, while gritting my teeth,
Going like mad, I threw up the wreath.
Started the baking with no time to rest,
Planning the menu to serve all our guests.
I spoke not a word but continued my work
Decorating and cleaning like I was berserk.
I finished my tasks and sank in the chair
I still had to shower and tame my wild hair.
But with a glass full of wine, I looked all around
Our house was full of love for which I was proud.
Twinkling lights and the house ready for show,
With contented animals, my heart was aglow.
I got up from my seat and gave out a sigh,
The house looked like Christmas and now I know why,
It is the spirit of the season that we do what me might,
So Merry Christmas to all, but let's party tonight!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Deck the Crazies
I drove past an apartment building last week only to see three Christmas trees up in the windows and lit! That must be where all the Christmas crazies live I thought..but they are everywhere. I think people should stick to the unwritten rules of Christmas decorating.
Rule 1: Stores are allowed to decorate for Christmas by November 1st but are not allowed to play merry Christmas music until after November 11. By the time Christmas comes I don't care where the hell frosty goes or if it was upon a midnight clear.
Rule 2: You can shop for Christmas whenever you want but do not even think about Christmas decorating until after November 11th. After this you are allowed to think, plan or what ever you crazies can come up with but you are not allowed to DO anything until the last week of November and then on DEC 1st and only DEC 1st can you turn on the light and deck the halls to your merry contentment.
I think that is pretty simple..two rules~
I remember in the good ole days when I used to get off the school bus on Dec 1st and run in the house to see which ornament my mother had hung up. More often than not it was this gold danglely ball that she always stuck in the direct path of my father. It wasn't Christmas unless I saw that tacky ball swing. Scary thing is I saw those balls last year at a design store and they were call "vintage"...ahh how we find nice names for expensive tacky!
I have a friend (you know who you are) who likes to have a Tacky Little Christmas with all of the decorations and novelties right down to the reindeer socks and pajama top with a snowman on it (that she wears in public). Everywhere you go in her house there is a little "something" waiting to surprise you and she thoroughly gets delighted in wearing and placing these "decorations" around her house...she doesn't even do it JUST to piss me off. I guess though if it hadn't been for my mother I am not so sure I would have any Christmas spirit in me at all. As none of the men in my life want to even acknowledge the "over commercialized" holiday. It is amazing how love will make you climb on top of a slanted roof, slide down next to the icicles only to put up lights for four weeks. One year we went away before Christmas and didn't come back until two days before so I couldn't be bothered to put up any decorations. I have never seen people so horrified at my lack of Christmas spirit.
It is not that I lack Christmas spirit it is just the opposite, but this doesn't mean I have to show to the public that I can out do them. I went to Florida one year and they start decorating in November..grrr..but boy do they go crazy. I think this is where all the Christmas crazies go to retire. One man decorated his front yard with cotton batten and then strung lights up and down it so it would look like twinkling take it one step further he gave you 3D glasses to see the lights in option 1) Angels 2) Snowflakes..and he was one of the more mild decorators. Some streets are all done up, and would hate to be the person who decides not decorate as much that probably get your house bombed with candy canes and coal!
Instead, I like the more simplified version of Christmas. I do like white lights on the front of the house with a floral arrangement on the front step. I like the smell of a fresh tree and the twinkling of the crystal snowflakes and shiny bulbs on it. I like spending time with friends and families and the parties that go along with the season. I laugh when everyone complains they have eaten too much and and will diet in the new year. I enjoy finding just the right gift and card for everyone and like to wrap gifts up instead of throwing them in a bag. I must admit I am sad to take it all down as the house looks so bare afterwards and as the snow flies and hibernation begins I do think back to days of Christmas past....but my memories start at DEC 1st!
Friday, November 6, 2009
For the love of...SHOES!
Stiletto heels were discovered in a tomb of tebas in Old Egypt dated from 1000 BC (yes I googled it) and we have never looked back. There is something about the way a heel and pointy toe makes your leg look. Speaking from the owner of cankles(calves that merge into ankles without separation), if I don't have a heel on I have just added 20lbs to my ankles. The epitome of shoes, in my opinion, are Manolo Blahniks. He took a stiletto and made them art...mind you this art starts at about $400 but you could hang it on your wall and it is cheaper than a Monet!
I still will not forget the day Leanne(her name has not been changed as the shame shall continue) asked me "Jimmy Who?". I have watched the TV show "What not to Wear" where they have to convince women to try on a pair of heels and once they do they are sold forever. Now if they could only do an intervention on teenagers who think that clomping around in a heel looks good. I guess they should look in a mirror before walking out as they look like they are about to teeter over at any moment or they are playing dress up in their mother's closet. Mind you I have never tried to push them over but it could become a new sport.
While heels are my favorite I do give props to flats and sneakers unless you are wearing sneakers with your skirt(I don't care if it is comfortable...JAN)but do have a problem with crocs. Granted I do own a pair, given to me by my Uncle as a joke and I use them to take the dog out to pee in the backyard. In my opinion they are no more comfortable than my slippers so I am not sure what the fascination is with them besides an ugly sense of fashion. There are much cuter sneakers out there which are just as comfortable.
I must admit my sometimes inappropriate foot ware has caused a huge sigh of frustration from my husband when he suggests going for a walk along the waterfront after having dinner. Which causes me to sheepishly look down at my feet and gauge whether or not I will be able to walk the duration without ending in hobbling pain or to suck it up and apologize to my feet later. I have also aerated many a lawn while getting pictures taken I have sunken about 2-4"; but this has not down trodden my outlook every time I put on a new pair of heels. There is just something about strutting around like a peacock in my new pair of shoes that makes my day turn brighter.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Survey Me
Recently, I have been on the job hunt and have done surveys to tell me if I have taken the correct career path (I have) and then a couple of IQ ones which tell me I am I didn't know this, I have not taken one to tell me if I am self-absorbed....I don't need a survey for that!
Today I was asked by a potential employer to take a survey based upon my management style and was a little surprised how a simple survey was correct. There is more, but I will save you the full detail and just provide the summary.
You are very thoughtful about what is right and fair for the people with whom you interact. Your communication style is highly persuasive and articulate. You are inclined to show an unselfish concern for the welfare of others which, when recognized, offers you a sense of accomplishment. At times you place ideals before practical considerations. You show strong devotion to the principles in which you believe. A great deal of action and variety in your environment appeals to you."
I guess I am not so self-absorbed after all...maybe I do need to take a survey:) I wish there were other surveys out there that could tell me other things like: what I want for dinner, where have all the good TV shows gone, is the design of the bathroom going to cause my husband to tear his hair know..useful stuff. I do not need to know which Simpson's character I am most like, what my body type is or how long I will live.
So I guess, Like others I will have to wait for life's little surprises instead of awaiting the next survey to tell me how wonderful I truly am....after all that's what parents are for! Love you mom and dad:)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Where..oh where has all of the service gone?
I am not asking to be greeted like Blockbuster where you make a game of dodging the staff nor do I want to be hovered over like a furniture salesperson; but a simple acknowledgment would do. I must admit that this lack of customer service is becoming a trend. You would think that in a declining market stores would be pushing customer service to try to gain loyalty but I guess I am off this mark. Mind you, each of these stores I walked into had young ladies (I use this term loosely) behind the counter who seemed more interested in talking with each other about last nights events...and one of the stores the sales person was more interested in her book.
I would like to blame all of this on the X-generation but it is not so. I have gone into high end stores with older salesperson and until I literally dropped my purse and tried something on in the middle of the store (It was a blazer people I am not committing indecent exposure) before the salesperson moved away from the steam machine to acknowledge me. Once I even had a $300 dress in my hand and had to go search for a salesperson to let me into the dressing room. When I discovered I was the only person on the floor and the salesperson had abandoned me for her friend downstairs I put the dress back and went to another store who was more than willing to help me.
This has made a difference in my shopping habits as well. If I am looking for something specific I will go to particular stores I know do well with customer service(Laura, Tweed and Hickory and Samuel & Co.) and if not then I go some place where I can wander the aisle to browse without being bothered but can easily find a staff member to help and there is always someone stationed at the dressing room. ( I love Winners). Occasionally I have ventured to other stores as mentioned above and been sadly disappointed.
Retail is not the only place I have noticed the disappearing trend as I have been to some restaurants where I have waited for 20mins to get my drink order.
Now I also must let you know that I have been on the other side of this as well. I once worked in a retail store where we were to offer our name and assistance within the first three minutes and never let a customer carry anything, offer to put it in the dressing room. (I still shop at this store and the rule has not changed) BUT once I did forget a client in the dressing room until she came out and bought something.
I have also worked in a restaurant where I openly admit I was a horrible waitress and apologize to anyone who was ever my customer. I was always surprised when they left a tip as I was that bad. One time I waited on a couple who only had an appetizer and left me a $10 tip. I thought they had left the $10 there accidentally (again horrible waitress) so I caught up to them to give it back (I may have been horrible but I was honest) and she told me that she is used to people treating them differently as her husband was deaf and his speaking voice is not always clear so she was very pleased that I didn't treat him or her any differently. What I didn't tell you is that I didn't even notice he was deaf!
So while many of us have off days and not always on our game I believe we should lobby for the return of customer service. Then maybe I would pay $100 for a pair of jeans where the sales assistant makes a commission off of me and provides assistance instead of ignoring me. Soap box closed!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Feel the burn
Yet here I sit ready to go off to yoga. Some may say it is for relaxing the mind, body and soul, but I actually joined (along with my husband) to see the pure torture in his eyes as they try to bend and manipulate his body into forms it is not accustomed to. As usual though, the joke is on me as the intro class is all about strength and your core. The only core I have see in years is the one of an apple.
We have also decided that the weight bench at home is not a dust collector and my husband devised a workout plan which we have been doing for about a month now. Do I feel better and more energized? No, but now I do not have to rationalize eating another square as you know "I did work out today".
Let me also say that this is not my first adventure in working out. I have done a variety of exercises and discovered I like the ones that I don't consider exercise. Go figure. I like rowing, Kayaking, taking the dog for a walk and frolicking in the waves. unfortunately though, I am a fair weather girl. Should there be the slight chance of rain or chill in the air and I am OUT!
There are also lots of things in the world to discourage you from this weight loss goal. Like candy at the checkouts at the grocery store, air brushed models, hereditary and already fit friends. I was not blessed with the most desirable genes. It seems I was given a mishmash of all of the unwanted parts from my family. I did not get my mother's thin thighs and ample I got my grandmother's thick ankles and abundant hips and butt. JLo ain't got nothin' on me. So I am fighting a battle from the there are days when I just plain feel lazy and nothing is going to make me get up off of the couch.
A couple of years ago my husband got the bright idea we needed a new bathroom scale (speaking from the man who runs around the block and looses 5 lbs..urgh!) Now most people would go out and buy a run of the mill scale...but oh no we needed one to tell us how fat we I needed help in this category. The day it arrived my husband hopped on it after filling in his height, activity level and age...only for the scale to tell him that at 6' and 174lbs ...he was obese. There was no way I was going near that evil piece of machinery unless it was with a sledge hammer.
So here I sit, breathing in and out and still able to see my toes in plain view so I would say I am doing OK. I may never be a 10 ...more like a 6 maybe 7...but I am OK with being a "C" student!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Google This!
Then one day in 1998 I opened a web browser to "Google" and my life as I knew it changed. When ever I want to know something..I google it! Anything from: Why are the red cross symbol and the Swiss flag similar?
To what was the TV show with Jenna Elfman in it where she played a hippie? All I had to do was type in what my mind was thinking, which can be a challenge in itself, hit enter and several pages come up.
Now here comes the tricky part and where your brain does actually have to start firing up as there is a lot of misinformation, for which my precious google can not be held liable. But by changing your question slightly you will get a whole new set of web pages. I have found everything from pictures of Hiroshima and movie reviews to life's deep questions: what does the new line of Manolo's look like. Please don't ask what Manolo's are it!
Now not to upset the other browsers in town, but I have found they do not offer the same search results nor consistent outcome as I have with Google. There are new ones popping up all of the time (Bing) but I still stay strong in my loyalty. Here are some of the things I have googled!
1. Etsy...on line craft site for which I have searched for ideas on crafts as well as purchases
2. What is the most common password
3. My maiden married name(Maiden name brought up some strange sites)
4. Who sang the "Book of Love"
5. Do all dogs shake the same way (Ok I was bored this day)
6. Unknown words
7. I would love to say the news but really it is usually star gossip
8. TV shows on broadband
9. Fixes to computer problems
10. And when I am just too lazy to type in a site I will google it. Yes I google facebook....
So I decided why not google the top 10 google searches and this is the result for today (changes daily)...and I have not google any of these today...but now I will...It looks like a lot of people watched Oprah today and some one has a really bad bug problem. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So the next year we decided to go to a resort where everything is all inclusive and it would force us to hang out on the beach and relax, well it did do this but we also did two 8hr excursions (we had originally booked 3 but canceled the 3rd). Did one afternoon of a walking "tour" to an unexpected bat cave, and tried to do an evening of dancing which turned into drinks in a cool mansion, and let's not even talk about the fun filled jam packed trip to Ireland.
This past week we were on our way to ON for a family event and decided to take a couple of extra days exploring New England. I booked and planned the first two nights but after that we were roaming free with no schedule.
Day 1: Left the house by 11am and drove 5 hours to a quaint village in NB where we stayed at a beautiful hotel and celebrated our "fake" anniversary day.
Day 2: Travelled along the NB coastline and over to Deer Island and then onto Campobello. Toured the entire Deer Island and actually go out to take a couple of pictures, but then put the pedal to the metal as we were unsure if the next ferry was still in operation as we were possibly on the last day of crossing. Got to Campobello and hit the ground running (or driving) stopped at the Roosevelt cottage and toured around but wanted to get ahead of poky and her son so we took off and as we are crossing the bridge to the US realized we missed Quoddy Point..oh well next time. Drove another 4 hours to Bar Harbour (aka Barr Harr Brr)..we didn't stop but took the scenic route through construction to arrive at a cute cottage with the hardest bed known in the universe. Dropped our bags and toured the town for the evening then went out as my husband forgot to pack underwear and BH doesn't sell we went 1/2 hour out of town to get some and on our way back got stuck in a traffic accident for which we were rerouted at 9:30pm in the dark and on an unknown road. As we drive along doing 80mph to keep up with the guy who did know where he was going. I peered though the glass trying to see between the squashed bugs which we had earlier in the day turned on the windshield wipers in attempt to get rid of them but only to smear them more. We finally got out of this adventure alive and finished off the evening with a bottle of wine and a sticky bun, collected earlier from a town bakery.
Day 3: We started by touring through Acadia National park and Cadillac Mountain, we venture along the main coast line, but after three hours of this decided we needed to make some time if we wanted to get some outlet shopping in Kittery done before the end of the night...and really after you see two hours of coast line I think you get the idea. So I found (my day to navigate) the nearest interstate and off we went. Found a hotel, dropped our luggage and shopped until the stores closed!
Day 4: We were only suppose to do a couple hour run this day, so we got up and continued shopping and then made tracks for North Conway where we did a little more shopping and decided it was too early in the day to stop so lets continue on up through the mountains an stay somewhere up there tonight. We ventured up the steep slopes of Mt Washington..which by the way has no guard rails. By about 4000ft I was thinking we should have taken the tour bus as every time Brian went around a corner I tried to use my spidey senses to see if another car was coming as they said there was enough room for two cars but I think they were referring to minis! I couldn't look out the window as my eyes were glued to the road as we went up and up. I would occasionally looked over to say "yup we are climbing" as if he wasn't aware of this fact. I am sure the people going down were laughing as I hung onto the door handle and leaned over to Brian at each corner. Once we arrived at the top and looked over the mountain...and my heart calmed down..I realized it was worth it. It was a beautiful day, it was clear and warm(it was about 17) and was only one of 10 days they had good weather..yeah us. The drive down was not as bad as I looked around and laughed at the looks on the passengers faces who were ascending. We continued on, now proud owners of the "This car climbed Mt Washington" sticker and travelled down through the mountains to a little town (but actually had a motel) called Lancaster. We searched the map for our next day adventure and decided to go just to the other side of NH.
Day 5: Well so much for the other side of NH. We were in Lake Placid by noon and ON by dinner! Which made for an easy run on Day 6..but on Day 7 we decided we were going to head home and do it in two 7 hour runs instead of one 14 hour run.
Day 7: We ventured off after an emotional morning guiding ourselves through Montreal and onward east. We kept saying we were going to stop somewhere to grab a bite but after awhile I started digging in the cooler in the back to find some sandwich supplies. Note to self: making a sandwich in the car is fine, but remember NOT to put the mustard on the sandwich before you bend over it to pick up the cheese you had placed on the floor...else you will end up with a mustard boob! At 8:30pm we landed in our first destination, tired, hungry and smelling of mustard. Happy to have a comfy bed and drift happily off to sleep.
Day 8: Since my parents ditched up for breakfast (they were travelling back from ON as well) we enjoyed our breakfast and packed up and headed in the final leg to home. As the fog lifted over the hills and the sun ripped though it made for some beautiful scenery(no I did not take a that would mean stopping) We did stop for lunch and a pee break and stopped to visit said parents on the journey through, but after we picked up our puppy and got read the riot act from our cat, we breathed a sigh of relief to be home from our "relaxing" vacation!
While we will probably never have a relaxing vacation as I want to try to fit as much in as possible as I don't know when we will be back..this year we are talking about a cruise...after all how busy can you be:) I am sure we will find a way.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Happy "Fake" Anniversary
When we started going out it was somewhere around Thanksgiving nine years ago. Most girls remember the actual date but I at least was able to associated a holiday with the approximate time of our date. So for six years we went along celebrating our anniversary somewhere around Thanksgiving by going out to a really nice dinner..meaning expensive!
Then one day I woke up and decided it was time to get married as I was getting too old to call him my boyfriend. I figured if we had made it through six years without too much turmoil then what was another fifty? Mind you, Brian was not as quick to pop the question as I would have liked but as I later found out he had his own issues going on.
He had decided he was going to propose before Thanksgiving with all of our family coming for dinner to celebrate. One would think it was romantic as we started going out at this time, but don't get ahead of yourself as it was a timing coincidence no matter how he tries to back track:) He had inherited his great grandmothers ring and was going to propose with this, but when he went to his mother's house to look for it, he couldn't locate it anywhere. He didn't want to ask his mom where it was as he wanted me to be the first to know..and also in case I said "no". So after months of his looking for it and me being impatient as ever..he took matters into his own hands.
On Christmas eve I was trying frantically to prepare dinner for the next day while he decided to fiddle around in his workshop. I could not imagine what he was doing down there but he was better left alone so I could chop, dice and saute to my hearts content. Later that evening as we were laying in bed watching Spiderman 1 ..where the uncle gets shot...he turns to me and says
Brian:"What are you doing in June"
Jenn: "June? How do I know..why?"
Brian:"I thought we would get married in June"
Jenn: "No, June weather is too unpredictable..what about September"
Then it clued into me that he was asking me to marry him...for which he explained the story of Thanksgiving and his inability to locate the he produced a ring he had spent the day making with a polished soder ball on top. Obviously I said yes....then began to think -selfishly- I wonder what the real ring looks like and how insulted would he be if it is yellow gold to have it changed to white?
The next day we told his mom who located the ring in all of six seconds, and to my surprise it was a beautiful -white gold- ring...I was a happy girl now.
We tossed around dates and ideas and settled on the long weekend in September, which in 2007 fell on the first weekend. Brian thought this was great as no matter what, he would always remember we got married on the long weekend of September. So on September 2, 2007 (Sundays are cheaper to get married on) I had my hair done, put on a fancy dress and walked down the isle to say "I DO" in front of our closest friends and immediate family.
Now as you have guessed from the title of this post, something must be up. Why yes it is...this year the long weekend falls on the second weekend of September and Brian states that I am breaking the rule of celebrating our Anniversary today as it is not what I agreed to...but I do not remember this in our love, honour and celebrate our anniversary on the long weekend wherever it falls. He said we should not celebrate out Anniversary until next weekend, but I stand in debate of this...along with all the other women. I have actually asked a lot of our friends and of course the guys agree with him and the girls agree with I guess I will make a nice dinner tonight and increase the expense of dinner next weekend as it is his year to pay....Happy "fake" Anniversary.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Cat vs Dog
So after convincing my then boyfriend, now husband, that the only thing I wanted for my birthday was another cat. (Narrowing down the gift option to only one works!) So in we walk to the "cat room". This brown tabby looks suspiciously at us and jumps down from his window ledge walks right over to us and howls to be patted, then turns around to return to his perch after he has successfully roped us in. Thinking this was cute I went back over to pat him, but he was done with affection and turned around to bite me. Two days later we came home with (renamed from Utah) Oscar.
A year went by where Oscar happily laid around the house, looked out the window and sometimes became the "Dartmouth Jungle Kitty" as he stalked his way through the grass to pounce upon an unsuspecting leaf...and sometimes a neighbours cat. (hehehe) Our little family was happy but we decided that maybe we should get a shhhh
We researched breeds and breeders and settled on an English Springer (renamed from Nyles) we named Reno..after a coffee place (Steve-O Renos). The day we brought home Reno was the day Oscar decided, with disgust, that we were dog people too. He sat pearched on the counter like a vulture with his eyes wide wondering what he was going to do with this creature we had brought into his life. Reno had grown up with a cat who liked to play with him so he set out on getting to know Oscar. Each time Oscar would stalk around Reno sleeping, Reno would slowly open his eyes and then take off down the hallway after him.
Eventually Oscar began to understand the dog wasn't going anywhere and would get really happy when Reno left the house for walks but his disgust soon returned when the dog came back home. I am sure he was plotting two cement blocks and the nearest river for the dog. As time passed Reno became more brazen with the cat trying to sniff his bum and at one point licked it...which is also the reason Reno has a scar on his nose from a big swipe from Oscar's claw.
Now after almost two years together the two co-habitat, they are not friends but have learned to coexist. Reno still chases Oscar down the hall and has gone in for big sniffs which always result in a quick swat. But when night time comes and everyone settles into their respected places on the bed, our family is happy for the next eight hours until the cat jumps off the bed and the fun begins. But as I sit here writing with the cat curled up on the couch and the dog gone back for his morning nap I wouldn't have it any other way.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Made with Love
I posted some pictures each week of my proudly accomplished cakes. They may not have been perfect but I thought they were much better than the Duncan Hines cakes I was better known for.
My soon to be sister in law saw these said cakes and decided I was talented enough to make their wedding cake and I had six months to practice. Being the crazy fool I am, I somehow agreed to this. It must have been after the copious amounts of food and cocktails had. On my next visit to their house they presented me with a picture of what they were hoping the cake would look like. I was now thinking I should not have gone to Cuba and missed a class. It was elaborate four tiered cake with floral piping and black ribbon. It was a beautiful cake and with the hope in her eyes how could I say no.
I studied the picture and decided I could do three layers with the black ribbon and all was agreed. Until the net month when she decided she really wanted dots on the cake.
Being the procrastinator I am, I decided I didn't need a trial run on the cake that my talents ran deep (as well as my ego) and the first cake I made in six months would be the finale. Four days before the wedding I decided I should start this venture by making fondant. Yes, you can buy fondant at the Bulk Barn but I decided that since this was my first time I should earn what goes into it...and how hard could it's technically icing. So I researched on line and decided the rolled fondant was the way to go. Found a recipe and off I went. Until I realized I would need to make a double batch and did not buy enough icing sugar to make the recipe. So off to the grocery store I went only to come home and realize we did not have glucose...but was quite proud of myself when I remembered you can substitute corn syrup for glucose. Research paid off. Also, during my research I discovered to only use clear products to make white fondant..while this makes sense, I am glad I did my homework.
After mixing all of the ingredients and putting my poor mixer through the clay like material I proudly produced 4lbs of fondant...half of what I would off to the grocery store once again.
Day 2 I decided to make the butter cream and after two failed attempts I discovered my simple sugar was too hot and went and bought a candy thermometer and Wilton butter cream which I adapted to taste good.
Day 3 I started making the cakes.Not only did I agree to this venture I agreed to make three types of cake. Vanilla, Chocolate and lemon. Sounds easy, except the pans I bought were 3" high and apparently required a double batch of batter to fill it...found this out after it was all cooked....soo off to the grocery store I went to buy more eggs, butter and sugar to make another cake. Luckily the "trial" run of the vanilla worked out and tasted good....and my work was not disappointed at my failure as there is nothing like cake for breakfast.
I did finish baking all of the cakes that night at 11pm as the 3" cakes take about two hours to bake each! This does not also include the hour it took to clean the kitchen and the flour I had from one end to the other as I had the dropseys on this day. When you are dealing with the amount of ingredients it takes to make three 3" is not a good day to have the dropseys!
Day 4 I butter creamed the cakes, rolled out the fondant and put on the ribbon. I was so proud of my accomplishment and tried to decide whether or not I could make dots. In theory they sound dot of royal icing around the problem...except when you have never piped a single thing in your life.
Day 5 the piping begins. (Also the day of the wedding) I get up at 6am to start making the icing and the dots..and after eating as many mistakes as dots I finished the cake by 8am in time to get ready and head up to the wedding which was an hour away on the hottest day we had this summer. I decided to assemble all of the layers for transport and have my husband st in the backseat to hold the cake while the AC blasted all the way to keep the cake cool and protected. The cake made it without incident and the bride was happy I gave her her all ended well.
Things I have learnt:
1. Buy fondant as well as other easily prepared pieces else it will take 5lbs of butter and 5 dozen eggs to make these cakes...not including mistakes
2. Start not make the first adventure a wedding one needs this kind of stress
3. Do not throw a rehearsal dinner for 30 people the day before the wedding when you are not finished the cake
Friday, July 31, 2009
Coffee Complications
The first coffee shop opened in the 1500's and is wasn't until coffee made it to England that the bastardization began. (History lesson completed). Now don't get me wrong I am as guilty of my complicated coffee order as the next person, but if I am paying $4 for a coffee I want it with my half fat, no foam, vente caramel macchiato. My orders over the years have constantly changed to the point where my husband will no longer place my order, but instead shoves me up to place my order before acknowledging that he to is with me (cappuccino with brown sugar and chocolate sprinkles man).
Coffee orders have gotten so complicated that there are actually rules on how to order: Decaf, Shots, Syrup, Milk, Custom, and Drink. So I would like my decaf, mint, caramel, half fat, extra foam iced coffee.
Then there is the other popular brand which has made a medium double double an order sonomous with coffee...too bad I do not like there coffee. Yes there are many differences between coffee places and being the coffee snob I appear to be, there is nothing like a fresh French-Pressed hazelnut vanilla coffee.
Imagine it..You wake up in the morning to the smell of the coffee brewing (only because my husband has crawled out of bed first and started the machine). You feel enough energy to stumble your way out to the kitchen to ensure your senses have not deceived you (after you avoid a dog very happy you are up and a pissed off cat over the fact the dog is happy you are up). You stare at the coffee maker hoping that it will not fail and give you the jolt of caffeine you could only better receive had it been inserted intravenously. After the first sip you grab hold of the cup with both hands and deeply inhale the aroma wafting through the air and realize this was worth crawling out of your warm bed and that all is ok in the world. (Necafe commercial not included.)
So the next time you go to order your cup of coffee think about that lonely goat Herder and his coffee beans and think do I actually like the taste of coffee or do I prefer my grande extra hot soy with extra foam, split shot with a half squirt of sugar-free vanilla and a half squirt of sugar-free cinnamon, a half packet of splenda, oh and put that in a venti cup and fill up the "room" with extra whipped cream with caramel and chocolate sauce drizzled on top.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Life's Mysteries or just my luck?
For instance, have you ever been excited to see a new line open up at the grocery store? They call you over to take you next..YOU..they picked you out of the line up. You think to yourself ...yeah ..but then you realize she doesn't have the key to the cash register and when she does get it, after she has called her supervisor she then has to locate a cash box because the last person didn't leave it in there. Meanwhile you stand there with a pleasant "oh well" smile on your face but inwardly fuming over the fact that 10 people in the line you were in have gone through. But what can you do but wait as you have laid all of your groceries out on the line and push your cart out of the way. Suddenly that cucumber doesn't look as important as it was when you walked in the door. Is this my bad luck or a fact of life.
I have talked to lots of people who have claimed they have been in this experience as well but if so many people have had this happen to them...where are all the lucky people? Are they becoming a dying breed..going the way of the doo doo bird?
Why do I spend all of my time finding a closer parking spot when I could have choosen one further away and been inside before I found the spot closer? Why does the dog feel compelled to wake me at 6:30am but leave my husband to sleep? Why do the pants fit perfect for the first time but then seem to shrink on the second wearing? Why does Goofy wear pants but Donald Duck does not?
Well...I spend all of my time to find a parking spot closer because with my luck and place I live, it could be raining when I comeout. Therefore, while it may be dry when I go in, I will be thankful for the ten extra minutes I spent finding the spot when I come out. Side note: This has yet to happen but at some point the odds will be on my side.
The dog wakes me up first because he knows I will feed him right away and let him out to pee while my husand will first make coffee and look around to get completely dressed before taking him out.
The fit of my pants may have something to do with the caramel flakey I felt compelled to scarf down but whose to say as I prefer to blame it on the brand. As for Donald vs Goofy...I guess somethings are meant to be a mystery.
Although I may feel like an unlucky person at times and I am sure the mysteries of my life will contemplate me for the rest of my life but I have had some luck in my life.
I won the perfect attendance draw for $1000 at one of my jobs
I have two loving parents who are still together after almost 47 years.
I have married a guy who loves me for all of my quirks and blunders; he may say otherwise...but HE is not writting the blog so my bubble remains in tact.
I have great friends who support me in all I do and rise to the adventures at hand no matter how crazy they may seem...and even buy special equipment just incase there is a next time...and above all have maintained a sense of humour throught this pesimistic society.
So I guess I will take my luck good, bad or otherwise....and maybe some day I will go looking for a doo doo bird.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I have gone and done it!
I have named my site "What I know at 38" as I have just turned the big 3-8 and have sat back and reflected as to what I have learnt during that time. I think I have the same basic knowledge as others:
1. Don't eat yellow snow
2. Running with scissors can be fun
3. My mother was right!
Amoung other countless useless pieces of knowledge that only seem to be good in Trivial Pursuit. What do I know today?
The other day I picked up a magazine called which also, oddly enough, has a website with the same name. As I glanced through the numerous recipes, my taste buds began to water at the sight of the pictures and recipes. I have inherited a great trait of being able to know what a recipe will taste like by reading it. I have tried 6 or 7 recipes thus far and have been impressed by all but one. (Roasted Tomato Salsa - too much effort and not enough flavour). I would like to say I make only recipes which are health conscience and full of nutrients but then I would be 5'7" and 120 lbs instead of 5'7" and more than 120lbs. One recipe has stood out as being the best for me.
Thai Cobb Salad by NEOPHTYE99.
1/2 cup bottled fat-free Italian salad dressing1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 to 11/2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
8 cups torn mixed salad greens
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped cooked pork, beef, or chicken (8 ounces)
1 avocado, seeded, peeled, and cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1 cup coarsely shredded carrots
1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/4 cup honey-roasted peanuts (optional)
For dressing, in a large bowl combine salad dressing, soy sauce, ginger, and crushed red pepper. Add mixed salad greens, toss lightly to coat.Divide salad greens among 4 dinner plates. Top with meat, avocado, carrots, cilantro, green onions, and, if desired, peanuts.
I did veer off the path and change things a bit as I used ham, egg and chicken..carniverous as I am. See picture..please note I cook, clean and ocassionally do windows but food styling is not my forte. And contrary to the look of my plate it was delicious. Spicy and sweet all in one. YUM!